Best Action Film
Kowloon Killers
I am White Tiger
I am White Tiger
Best Action SequenceBlindsided: The Game
Kowloon Killers Deviants Best Action ActorKowloon Killers — Tien Hoang
Dead End — Bryan Larkin Truy Sat -- Truong Ngoc Anh |
Best Action ChoreographyKali Diaries
Deviants Kowloon Killers Best Action TeamDeviants
No Trace Blindsided: The Game |
Best Action Screenplay
The Deathtrap Trilogy by BL Ray (US)
Play the Fool by Mark Gunnion (US)
Finding Alexandria by Sayem Huq (US)
Play the Fool by Mark Gunnion (US)
Finding Alexandria by Sayem Huq (US)